In the summertime, much of life moves outside our homes. In the warmer months, daily dips in the nearest lake, river, or pool arise out of necessity; blankets in the park are suddenly the go-to spot for post-work beers; balmy dinners on porches and rooftops become routine. All this outdoor enjoyment is great, but it means you've gotta schlep a little bit. Carry stuff. Bring things with you. It's easy to fall into the habit of turning to your personal wad of canvas tote to select a couple of wrinkly bags for the task, but let us wax poetic a moment about our newest love...

Since we got in these Myrtlewood Baskets a few weeks ago, we've been packing them full of picnics, flowers, water balloons, name it.
These beauties are handmade in Coos Bay, Oregon by Barber's Baskets, a family basket company started in 1979 by shipbuilder Don Barber at the end of his 40-year career making ocean-going boats. Crafted from Myrtlewood trees indigenous to a small region in the Pacific Northwest surrounding the Barber's workshop, these baskets are made not only to highlight the hardwood's colorful and dynamic grain, but also to harness its durability; the result is a truly tough and classically stylish basket that lasts.

Barber's Baskets are great containers to pile high with the week's market haul or to stuff with kindling and keep by the fireplace, but they're a delight (and just so cool) to use for plain ol' carrying stuff around. Greasy pool paperbacks and beloved cartoon beach towels look significantly cuter nestled in a sweet little basket by your lounge chair. Trips to Trader Joe's suddenly take on an air of romance.