Let's All Slow Down

Let's All Slow Down

You don't have to be an EF Trivia nerd to complete this crossword, but it sure won't hurt. Join us for a brain-scratching distraction from the dumpster of a politicial-cultural-environmental climate we're currently collectively experiencing. 

Pro tip: We recommend downloading the crossword rather than completing it in your browser. Downloading a half-complete crossword that you worked on in your browser will not save your progress.

Follow these steps for a stress-free, leisurely crossword experience:
    1. Click here to open the crossword puzzle!
    2. Download the puzzle to your desktop/computer
    3. Open the file in Adobe Acrobat, Preview, or print it.
    4. Save your progress as you go, AND save your completed puzzle (or screenshot)! If doing by hand, scan or take a clear photo of it.
    5. Think you filled them all in correctly? Send it over to care@eastfork.com with the subject line "I've Done It!" The first 5 puzzle solvers win a prize. UPDATE: Winners have been chosen!


Good Luck!


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