A Feast Fit for Kings

A Feast Fit for Kings

Thank you so much to all who came to our first pottery dinner last weekend! Alex and I had such an amazing time getting to chat, eat and drink with all of you. We had so much fun, in fact, that we totally neglected to take any photographs at all! (Whoops.)

It was glorious to see three months worth of head pounding suddenly materialize into one of the most beautiful tables ever set in Asheville, North Carolina—wood-fired vases of all sizes flowing over with flowers from Flying Cloud Farm, candlelight casting delicate shadows everywhere, Alex's plates and bowls with all the color and vibrancy that summer produce has to offer, and the new porcelain lights illuminating platters full of shrimp toasts and chicken liver pâté.

What I loved most about the evening was how truly collaborative it was. Everyone there contributed to the dinner's success. Thanks very much to Alicia Sessoms, Melissa Weiss and the crew at Tod's for helping us throw such a grand party. And of course to Chef Jacob Sessoms for the exceptional meal. I can seriously learn so much from that man; at 4:30, two hours before our 36 guests arrived for their 5 course meal, Chef Sessoms very calmly stated that he was going to go home and take a little nap in the sun before dinner got started! Although I've made great strides the last couple years, I still struggle with looking like a headless chicken when guests start showing up for a big dinner. A proper mis en place is worthy of deep reverence.

If you missed the dinner this time, fear not! We had such a good time on Saturday that we're planning to host several pottery dinners throughout the year featuring guest chefs from the region. Keep in touch to find out about the next one.



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