

While I'm a little turned off at the concept of meal kit services for myself, I do understand the appeal and convenience, especially for busy families who'd otherwise not get a chance to even light the stove. It makes sense. But, grabbing a flamboyant mushroom at the grocery store and figuring out what to do with it is just my way of engaging in the dying science of trial and error and assuaging my eyes from 8 hours of screen time a day.

However, Julia made this gnocchi inspired by a recipe she got from an aforementioned meal kit service and it was really, really good. So, I relented a little. Come to find out, meal kit services can introduce you to new ingredients, teach you some of the ABC's of cooking, and inspire eventual self reliance in the kitchen. Just wish they would figure out a way to reduce waste and energy. Anyway!

Bite-sized potato pillows a.k.a. gnocchi, are boiled and tossed in a sauce of tomato paste, olive oil, garlic, and water. Stir in some grilled and quartered zucchini coins, fresh cherry tomatoes, a good bit of prosciutto, and a few dollops of mascarpone, and you've got yourself and easy, impossible-to-screw-up lunch. 

Gnocchi with Tomatoes, Prosciutto, and Zucchini

[Adapted from Blue Apron]

  • 3 oz. prosciutto
  • 3/4 pound gnocchi
  • 1 zucchini
  • 4 oz. cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • cayenne to taste
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp. mascarpone 
  • good splash of olive oil
  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Prep ingredients by mincing garlic, quartering zucchini, halving tomatoes, and cutting prosciutto into ribbons. 
  2. Pour gnocchi in boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oil in pan and add in garlic. Sauté for 1 minutes. Add tomato paste and cayenne. Add 1/2 cup water and stir.
  3. Add gnocchi to the sauce pan, along with zucchini, tomato, prosciutto and 1/2 cup of water. Cook 2 minutes, stirring.
  4. Turn off heat, add mascarpone, stir, and serve!


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