Behind the Scenes

Clay Buddies: Lisa Flamion
Lisa Flamion leads East Fork’s Quality Control team. She’s also a potter and a gardener carrying on the family tradition of growing vegetables to eat and share with others. She...
Clay Buddies: Lisa Flamion
Lisa Flamion leads East Fork’s Quality Control team. She’s also a potter and a gardener carrying on the family tradition of growing vegetables to eat and share with others. She...

$20 an Hour Minimum Wage at East Fork
This week we realized a years-long dream of raising our company-wide minimum wage to $20 an hour.
$20 an Hour Minimum Wage at East Fork
This week we realized a years-long dream of raising our company-wide minimum wage to $20 an hour.

Clay Buddies: Lindsey Zinno
Lindsey Zinno is East Fork’s e-commerce manager. The way she writes about her outside-of-work passions will get you fired up about your own.
Clay Buddies: Lindsey Zinno
Lindsey Zinno is East Fork’s e-commerce manager. The way she writes about her outside-of-work passions will get you fired up about your own.

The Dish: Episode #3
Watch the third episode of The Dish, a quarterly conversation with East Fork’s Founders, CEO Alex Matisse, CMO Connie Matisse, and CFO John Vigeland. They devote this hour to answering...
The Dish: Episode #3
Watch the third episode of The Dish, a quarterly conversation with East Fork’s Founders, CEO Alex Matisse, CMO Connie Matisse, and CFO John Vigeland. They devote this hour to answering...

Clay Buddies: Connie Matisse
Connie Matisse: East Fork co-founder, chief marketing officer, determiner of future glaze colors and never the subject of a Clay Buddies post? Let’s fix that.
Clay Buddies: Connie Matisse
Connie Matisse: East Fork co-founder, chief marketing officer, determiner of future glaze colors and never the subject of a Clay Buddies post? Let’s fix that.